Sunday, May 3, 2015


Work in process

After looking over the supplies I will need for this project, I can finally start sketching the dynamics of my characters and their settings and background. I am at the moment, still researching and trying to learn about any little technique or tool I can use and apply to my own story.
Just recently, I have read an article written by Vince White ( online,
that talks about a technique to make memorable characters. It is called the "Icon Equation."
 This icon equation states reasons why certain characters are so much more memorable than others. For example, most memorable super-heroes or characters have the most simple structure and costumes. Basically, the most iconic characters are easy on the eye which allows the reader
to not get lost or lose interest during the story. Also he says "if a child thinks he can draw your character, then he will draw it! If he thinks its too hard, he won`t!" Meaning, the simpler the
design of the character is, the more likely it is to inspire the illustrator/author, children, and fans to draw it. When others themselves, draw your character, it becomes lodged in their mind so they won`t easily overlook or forget the character. Not only does Vince White mention these things
in his own blogs/ articles, he also mention that the title of a comic should in someway
at least have the name of the main character in it somewhere. This is because on first glance,
readers would have already been introduced to the character without actually having to look
inside to find out. For example "BATMAN and ROBIN." the comic already introduces
the main characters in the title.
I have found that the blogs from aspiring comic book artists` and author Vince White, to be very helpful, especially, with his "Icon Equation." Here`s a link to one of his blogs discussing about the icon equation.

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