Sunday, May 3, 2015


Work in process

After looking over the supplies I will need for this project, I can finally start sketching the dynamics of my characters and their settings and background. I am at the moment, still researching and trying to learn about any little technique or tool I can use and apply to my own story.
Just recently, I have read an article written by Vince White ( online,
that talks about a technique to make memorable characters. It is called the "Icon Equation."
 This icon equation states reasons why certain characters are so much more memorable than others. For example, most memorable super-heroes or characters have the most simple structure and costumes. Basically, the most iconic characters are easy on the eye which allows the reader
to not get lost or lose interest during the story. Also he says "if a child thinks he can draw your character, then he will draw it! If he thinks its too hard, he won`t!" Meaning, the simpler the
design of the character is, the more likely it is to inspire the illustrator/author, children, and fans to draw it. When others themselves, draw your character, it becomes lodged in their mind so they won`t easily overlook or forget the character. Not only does Vince White mention these things
in his own blogs/ articles, he also mention that the title of a comic should in someway
at least have the name of the main character in it somewhere. This is because on first glance,
readers would have already been introduced to the character without actually having to look
inside to find out. For example "BATMAN and ROBIN." the comic already introduces
the main characters in the title.
I have found that the blogs from aspiring comic book artists` and author Vince White, to be very helpful, especially, with his "Icon Equation." Here`s a link to one of his blogs discussing about the icon equation.

Thursday, April 30, 2015



Just recently, I have begun sketching out ideas for the different types of characters I might use in my story. I have learned from my research that most of the time, great ideas start from simple sketches and doodles.
 I have begun brainstorming and choosing between many of the multiple ideas that have come to mind in the last few days. Literally, I have made a circle map with the different ideas and chose the idea that I felt I could do more with. I have chosen the idea that I feel more comfortable with, which allows me to elaborate more on an idea that I like.
 I have also found out the materials I will need if I want to make my comic book as professional as possible.


  • Copic markers

  • smooth Bristol sketch book (paper)

  • Pencils with different values

  • Prisma colored pencils

Thankfully, I have most of the supplies mentioned above therefore, I am excited to actually start and make my characters come to life.

Image result for smooth bristol paperImage result for copic markersImage result for prisma colored pencils

Sunday, April 19, 2015


RESEARCH <(^-^)>

Recently I have done some researching and most of my searches have been
 "How to make a comic book?", "Idea process to make a comic book character," "Comic book story board process," and so on.
I had to start to get more specific in my searching and therefore my research process has resulted in more handy information that can be very useful in my experiment to make a comic book myself.
So far, I have learned that there are many different and multiple ways to start out and plan a
comic book. For example, you can pull ideas from dreams you have had in the past or focus on a topic of interest that you are willing to learn more about as you use it in your story. It is very interesting to see the many different idea processes of many different people and their opinions on what a successful comic book or a good story, in general, may need.
Although I have yet to start planning my comic book, I have instead been researching and taking notes to hopefully compose a entertaining and attention grabbing story to satisfy most of people`s expectations.
Wish me luck!

Friday, April 10, 2015


How Do I Produce A Comic Book?

 Hi, my name is Adrianna, welcome to my blog! This blog is going to keep up with my progress on a research product I will be conducting for English class. How do I produce a comic book? This is the question that I will attempt to answer in these few weeks for Genius Hour.
 I chose this topic because I like reading stories and I also find comic books to be very interesting because it not only tells a story with words, but also pictures as well. I will research the many different techniques and different styles illustrators choose to create the characters and backgrounds in and also research how the authors find ideas for their stories.
With a wide variety of answers to my questions, I think this research project will always be engaging and that I will learn many new things along the way. I hope my blogs in the future interest and enlighten you about the process dealing with making a comic book. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy my blog and that you will come back to check on my research process.